Sempai!  The Comic Strip!
The mostly true tales of the Sempai Gang!
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Tonbo Talks
Konnichiwa! Tonbo desu. Kestrel wa sick desu. And I guess I'll switch to English now, considering that's what Kestrel did and I'm trying to quote her to be cute. ^_^
So, I was sick earlier this week, and Kestrel is sick now. I've been taking care of her, and working with Kitsune to codify some of the things we want to correct for next year's A-Kon while it's still fresh in our minds. This has been taking up some time, that's true, but the real reason there's no comic to day is something else.
If you've been reading the comic, you know I moved a while back, and actually, I've yet to unpack & assemble my Mac. I've been using Kestrel's much nicer Mac to do the strip for some time. It's also a really nice excuse to come over a lot and see her. ^_^ But now, she's sick, and tonight I just wanted to visit her and take care of her. So no comic. Sorry. Catch us here again tomorrow.

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