Drug dealers                   Software developers             Anime Otaku Sempai
 ---------------------------    --------------------------- 	---------------------------   

Refer to their clients           Refer to their clients         Refer to their clients
as "users"                       as "users" 			as "friends","newbies", 
								or "mundanes" 

"The first one's free!"          " Download a free trial	"Here's a tape/book you can
                                 version..."			borrow... Just watch/read the 
								first part and tell me what 
								you think."

Have important South-East        Have important South-East	Have important South-East
Asian connections                Asian connections		Asian connections
(to help move the stuff)         (to help debug the code)	(to get stuff subbed quickly)

Strange jargon:                  Strange jargon:		Strange jargon:
"Stick," "Rock,"                 "SCSI," "RTFM,"		"Otaku," "OAV,"
"Dime bag," "E"                  "Java," "ISDN"			"Furry," "Shoujo"

Realize that there's             Realize that there's		Realize that there's
tons of cash in the              tons of cash in the		tons of prospects in the
14- to 25-year-old               14- to 25-year-old		14- to 35-year-old
market                           market				range

Job is assisted by the           Job is assisted by		Job is assisted by the
industry's producing             industry's producing		industry's producing
newer, more potent mixes         newer, faster machines		new anime, manga and J-pop

Often seen in the company        Often seen in the company of   Often seen in the company
of pimps and hustlers            marketing people and venture	of comic-book dealers and 
                                 capitalists			computer geeks

Their product causes             DOOM. Quake. SimCity. 		Slap-slap-slap...
unhealthy addictions             Duke Nukem. 'Nuff said.	"Wanna lose some sleep?"

Do your job well, and            Damn! Damn! DAMN!!             Damn! Damn! DAMN!!!-er... 
you can sleep with						Do your job well, and you 
movie stars who							can see subtitled anime
depend on you							before it hits the theaters 
								in Japan

The first two columns of this spoof were taken from http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Vista/8009/ddcomp.html